Thursday, May 22, 2008

look what i found

in my living room i have made a 'safe zone' for ella... well, this morning it was not so safe. i found her w/ a bag of dark chocolate raspberry hershey kisses... one kiss in each hand and one (wrapper and all) in her mouth... oh but it was so cute... i had to get the camera.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

told ya so...

i told you that i won't be very good at keeping up the blog... i really don't know what to say... i have been reading other blogs, and they are soooo good... i really feel stupid. i guess i don't really want everybody reading about my personal life... and anything else i have to say is just dumb. oh well...
i am watching paula's party on foodnetwork. i recorded it. also, my friends from mobile were on the hgtv show, my house is worth what? i miss them.
ok, i'm really just writing to be writing...

see ya

oh, btw, i need help... how do you get your blog out there when you don't want everyone you know to read it?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

missing my baby

i am still visiting my parents (out of town). i haven't seen my husband derek since early tuesday morning. i am missing him so much. it's thursday night and i won't be going home until saturday. and i know when i get there, he will probably bypass me and go straight for ella. sad, i know. i'm glad he loves her as much as he does. i can't wait to see him. i love you derek.